How to enrol
Download our Enrolment Package (1.1MB).
Check out everything you need to know about our school (rules, supports, uniforms, policies etc) from the current Prospectus from the Documents Library.
Download a copy of our current book lists from the Documents Library.
Students continuing at the Albert State School will not be required to complete enrolment forms for the new school year. Please advise the school office of any details that may have changed.
Prospective students are required to complete enrolment forms and schedule an enrolment meeting with the Principal. Proof of date of birth is required by the Department.
View the Department's prep ready reckoner calculator to determine when your child can commence their preparatory year.

Develop in your child the desire to start school and if necessary, remove any fears that he or she may have.
Please put the child’s name on all his/her goods so that we may also be able to recognise them.
Make sure of these points:
That your child can repeat his/her name and surname.
That he/she can recognise his or her name on clothing, lunch box etc.
That he/she can put on shoes and tie laces.
That he/she can flush a toilet and fasten clothing. That he is familiar with use of urinal.
That he/she knows of the necessity of washing hands after visiting the toilet and/or before eating.
That he/she can use a tissue when they need to blow their nose.
That he/she has an Albert school hat with a wide brim to wear to school every day. It is our school’s policy that hats with a full brim must be worn for outside play.