Arts at Albert
Albert State School has an enriched musical and arts program for all students to try. To celebrate the students’ work, the teachers display their artwork in classrooms and around the school and also on class web spaces. Biannually, the teachers and students work on a musical and the upper grades have started learning dance from experienced dance teachers. Students have the opportunity to participate in choir and instrumental music programs incorporating strings, brass, woodwind and percussion instruments. The students at Albert are very talented, so we try to make their art shine brightly.
By Jackelyn Morrissey and Oceanah Delaney
We can all agree that if our students are to succeed in school and in life, they must learn to read well. At Albert, it is a priority to provide reading programs that foster students to decode, find meaning and be fluent readers to help them learn and interact with the world around us. We know that:
Before reading, good readers:
- activate their prior knowledge
- are clear about why they are reading a particular text
- know what type of text they are about to read
- preview the text
- make predictions
- ask questions
During reading, good readers:
- construct and revise meaning
- monitor their understanding of the text
- continue revising and adjusting their predictions and questions
- use a variety of strategies to determine the meaning of unknown words and concepts
- make connections with ideas in the text
- make inferences
After reading, good readers:
- evaluate whether the text met their purpose for reading
- revisit their predictions and questions and adjust and revise them if necessary
- are able to summarise what they have read
- synthesise what they have read
(Sheena Cameron, 2009)